Tuesday, March 10, 2015

What's Your Response Time?

From time to time, overwhelming and even terrifying needs look us right in the face and demand a response.  Whether we are on our front porch or an ocean from home, the uneasiness we feel is the same.  We are well aware of Jesus’ words, “What you have done for the least of these, you have done for me.”  But does that really apply to my life? We routinely think of excuses why his words don’t apply to our present situation, yet somehow they still gnaw at our conscience.  Perhaps I should be doing more.  Perhaps God expects more of me.

There is a tension that we all experience when we see a great need and then wonder how God would have us respond (for it is not if we will respond, but how we will respond).  At ECM we are in the business of responding, of being the hands and feet of Jesus, of reaching out to the poor, the vulnerable, the marginalized in society, to children who can't do it alone.  And best of all, we have given you a way to help those children in Africa who so desperately need to hear and feel the love of Jesus, to experience His loving arms wrapped around them.

At ECM, we are trying to respond to the needs of these African children with the urgency they deserve.

What’s your response time?  (Click here to test it out!)

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